In Uganda, 41% of people live in poverty, and almost half of Uganda’s population is under the age of 15, representing one of the youngest populations in the world. Most of the people in Uganda are living below the poverty line and are facing many problems, viz., lack offood, shelter, health care, education and un-employment and thus the people live in utter poverty.Poverty has always been recognized as the major cause of death and disability. Poverty brings on lackof safe Drinking Water, inadequate food, poor health care and poor education. All these will haveeffect on health The struggle of the poor starts in the womb. The child in the womb suffers from the consequences ofmalnutrition in the mother. The families that are living in such a state are daily wages labourers. They are livingin utter poverty. They are unable to fetch their square meal a day. Some of the parents admitting theirchildren in the private English medium schools. But they are unable to continue their children because they are not able to pay the fees in the school. That’s reason the children are being dropped from theschool. In spite of planned development and special provision for accelerated socio-economic development of neglected/disadvantaged sections, the issue of orphan, semi orphan and under privileged children is not properly addressed. Therefore, we envisage mainstreaming these children in the national building by providing care, support and protection in our children home. The project proposed in this scheme is meant for additional support to run the orphan children home


·Children 5-16 years of age who are mislay their parents and poor families. The organization focuses ondisadvantaged children emphasizing children abandoned by one or both parents, children from poorfamilies, street children and children who have been abused and belong to poor socio economicconditions.


Poverty has always been recognized as the major cause of disease, death, and disability. Now the World Health Organization (WHO) came out with the statement that Poverty is the ‘ruthless killer’.Large families in rural areas often face these problems and the earning members of the family unableto cope-up with the situations and survival becomes difficult. The relief often comes in the form ofdeath leaving the children as orphans and destitute. These children starve without shelter, food andclothing and roam along the streets.


The project is planned to undertake at Mbirizi, Lwengo Districtis a conductive site for the proposed project.The place has all the amenities where the children will feel at home. The proposed site is also calm andserene where the children will grow up and nurture their talents in a healthy ambiance. In Mbirizi, where the proposed project will be initiated we will have building with dormitories, dining hall,kitchen, toilets. The area can be beautified and other art structure which will make the place a realhome for the children. As the project aims for the holistic development of children it will be an ideal place.